What is SamSam Ransomware?

SamSam Ransomware is a malware program that belongs to the category of crypto virology. This ransomware infection uses RSA-2048 asymmetric encryption algorithm to encrypt the data files. Due to this encryption algorithm two keys (public and private) are generated during the encryption process.

The Samsam ransomware attack is prone to infringe your computer’s security and expose it to severe threats. Once the user data is encrypted, this ransomware leaves a ransom note on the computer.

Threat Summary
  • Name: SamSam Ransomware
  • Targeted Operating System: Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows 8/10
  • Category: Ransomware
  • Symptoms: Encrypted system data, slow system performance and adds its own extension to the data files
Why is SamSam Ransomware dangerous for your computer system?

The SamSam Ransomware is distributed through various malware distribution strategies. It is a severe threat to your computer’s security because it can make your personal data inaccessible and may even attract other malicious programs to expose your computer to other vulnerabilities. The cyber criminals continue to update the version of this ransomware that just makes the situation tough for the security experts.

After encrypting the user data, the SamSam ransomware leaves a ransom note on the computer that demands a hefty amount of ransom in order to deliver the decryption key to the computer user. It is really difficult to restore the locked files without a decryption key. In most cases, the users pay the amount of ransom in order to get the decryption key. It is highly recommended not to fall for their cheap tricks and resist paying the ransom money. The crooks may or may not deliver the decryption key to you even when you fall for their demands. Rather invest your money in ransomware removal tool and internet security software to prevent your computer from such hazards.

Source: http://www.virusremovalguidelines.com/ransomware/how-to-remove-samsam-ransomware


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