Chrome 69: A Boon or a Bane?

WWW (World Wide Web) or the Web was invented by Tim Berners-Lee in 1989. This is an information space (network of online content) of interlinked HTML pages that can be accessed over the internet. Since 1989, the Web has continued to evolve and been a centre of development to the Information Age. It has become the primary tool that billions of people use today to interact.

Google Chrome celebrated its tenth anniversary previously this month & redesigned its browser & gave it a major facelift. However, with the extricate of the latest version of Chrome 69Google has decided to omit www sub-domain from the URL displaying in the Browser Address Bar(URL Bar). Furthermore, the new Chrome 69 also removed “m.” sub-domain that is used for web pages specifically designed for mobile browsers.

Temp3 Chrome 69

The removal of sub-domains initiated a wave of concern and outrage among the users and security experts. But a Chromium source code developer later stated that Google is considering the sub-domains as “insignificant”. Henceforth, entering “” in the address bar will yield to “”.

Temp1 Chrome 69

Although, this does not seem to be a big change and looks quite harmless, but removal of the parts of URL can create confusion among the users. “” and “” may refer to two different domains or web servers & this may not redirect the users to the intended site.


As for now, users can disable the URL truncation feature by changing the flag settings in Chrome 69.
  1. Visit Chrome Browser and enter“chrome://flags/#omnibox-ui-hide-steady-state-url-scheme-and-subdomains” in the URL bar.
  2. Chrome opens a page that displays “Omnibox UI Hide Steady-State URL Scheme and Trivial Subdomains” highlighted in yellow color.
Temp2 Chrome 69
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