9.4 Million Passengers affected by Cathay Pacific’s Data Breach

Major IT security breach occurred in the information system of Cathay Pacific Airways that compromised the sensitive information of up to 9.4 million people. Let us read more to know about this data protection breach & how to protect yourself against this cyber breach.

Cathay Pacific Airways Limited, the flag carrier of Hong Kong suffered a major Data Security breach. This Data Security Event is the worst damaging cyber attack ever to hit an airline. The theft compromised highly sensitive information of 9.4 million customers. Out of this total number 3, 80,000 passenger’s financial details were stolen.

1. Personal Data: Passenger Name, Date of Birth, Nationality, passport number, Identity Card Number, Address, Email, Phone Number, customer service remarks, frequent flyer programme membership number, Historical travel information

2. Credit Card Details:

* 403 expired Credit card Numbers,
* 27 Credit cards with no CVV

Information stolen varies from passenger to passenger

Read more detail click here


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