FakeSpy Malware: Android Open Source compromised!

FakeSpy Malware was first discovered by Trend Micro researchers in June 2018. FakeSpy aimed of compromising Android devices to purloin text messages, contacts, call records & bank account information of the users. Cyber criminals used SMS as a doorway to plunge Trojan in potential android devices. To your surprise, FakeSpy Malware also serves as a course for Banking Trojan.

Based on the implications, researchers found that this Malware Campaign targeted South Korean users & has been in active mode since October 2017.

The widespread Malware Campaign is now heavily vicious towards Japan & Korean Android Users and the bad guys smartly tuned the fake spy to modify its configuration as it conquers several countries.

In the event, the targeted victims receive a mobile text message disguising as a legit message from Japan based Logistics Company. A mere click on the link in the SMS would redirect the innocent users to malignant web-page. The infected page contains a script that pop-ups after a click on any toggle on the site.

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