Now VLC site Under the Radar! is the official website for downloading famous VLC media player, VLMC & other professional & developer projects. This popular website is displaying a ruinous warning in Bing, an internet search engine which is owned & operated by Microsoft. The warning is displayed when users hover the cursor over the first hyperlink on the page: VLC media player – Official Site . It states “ Site might be dangerous ” followed by another baleful warning that “ it could lead you to malicious software that can harm your device ”. VLC media player is a renowned free, open-source & portable media server that is capable of playing almost all multimedia files & DVDs, VCDs & Audio DCs. This cross-platform multimedia player is widely used by people from all over the world as it is free & available for desktop operating systems & mobile platforms like Android, Windows, iOS & Tizen. In addition to that, it can be downloaded from any digital dist...