HookAds Malvertising Uses Fallout Exploit Kit to Distribute Malware
Another HookAds Malvertising Campaign has been reported to be active recently, which is redirecting the potential visitors to the Fallout Exploit Kit. Following the activation, the kit will strive to capitalize on the known susceptibilities in Windows to download & install malicious malware in the infected system.
The malign malware include DanaBot banking Trojan, GlobeImposter Ransomware and the Nocturnal information & data stealer.
Insight in HookAds Malvertising Campaign
The HookAds Malvertising Campaign acquires contemptible ad space on cheap quality ad networks that are commonly used by online games sites, adult web sites or blackhat SEO Sites. These pernicious ads include JavaScript that redirects the innocent visitors through a string of tempting sites.
One such enticing site was discovered last week by Exploit Kit Expert nao_sec.

The sites resemble the pages filled with online games, local advertisements or other low quality pages. Unaware of the vicious malware hidden, visitors will unknowingly load the Fallout Exploit Kit in its system. Following this accidental download, the kit will then attempt to install its Malware Payload.
According to the Exploit Kit Expert nao_sec, the two HookAds Malvertising Campaigns were exposed last week. One of the campaigns was discovered on 8th November that aimed at distributing password stealing DanaBot banking Trojan.
Another Malvertising Campaign that installed the Nocturnal data stealer and GlobeImposter Ransomware was discovered on 10thNovember.
In case the redirected visitor is running Internet Explorer Browser, the Fallout Exploit Kit will try to abuse Windows CVE-2018-8174 VBScript susceptibility to install Malware payload.
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