Office 365 stung by Email Phishing

Phishing email campaigns are a renowned tool that is prominently used by the cyber phishing criminals. They keep sending phishing email tenaciously with the hope of reeling potential victims in their pitched net.
Office 365 Scam
These opportunistic cyber phishing criminals never cease to craft e-mails & websites that look legitimate ones. Perceiving the illicit or fake message can be strenuous task to a non-technical eye.
Imagine a careless click on a phishing mail can let the cyber criminals take over your entire Office 365 account.
Yes, a recently discovered Email phishing Scam professing as Office 365 Non-Delivery Notification is being used by the scammers to steal user’s login credentials by redirecting them to a malignant page. This new Office 365 Phishing attack was brought to light by ISC Handler Xavier Mertens.

Insight in to New Office 365 Phishing attack

Xavier Mertens, the security researcher, says that the Email phishing Scam was discovered while he was reviewing the latest data accumulated by his email “honey pots”.
The Office 365 Phishing attack initiates with an e-mail that impersonates as a Office 365 Non-Delivery Notification asserting that Microsoft has detected certain undelivered messages in users’ account.
Capture 3
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