Google Notifies Affected Users of the Private Data Exposed to Third party Developers
Google Emails Users Affected By Data Breach
Umpteen cyber security issues in Google+ have led to data breaches of millions of customers. The bug in Google+ People API & the decline in the engagement rate of Google+ have triggered the shutdown of this little loved social media platform.
Recent research reveals that Google Emails users affected by Google+ API Bug providing the following details:
- The profile data exposed
- The third party apps that had access to it.
The exposed fields & the associated apps are listed in details.csv attachment.
The full text of the email reads as:
Google pulled the plug on its social networking platform Google + in October last year. The move came after the company discovered a software glitch that gave third party developers access to Google+ user profile data. In total personal information of around 500,000 Google+ accounts were potentially exposed even when the relevant information was not marked as public. Though there are no evidences of the data being misused, Google decided to abandon the consumer facing Google+ site.
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