Cryptolocker Ransomware Removal Instructions
Tips to Remove Cryptolocker Ransomware Cryptolocker is a malware that made its first appearance on 5 th September 2013 & continued its attack to late May 2014. This malign Cryptolocker Ransomware gained notoriety over the past few years for stealthily infecting a system & encrypting the files . According to the detailed research by the security analyst, the Cryptolocker Ransomware attack utilized a Trojan that fired at the computers running on Microsoft Windows & was reported to have been published on the internet on 5 th Sep’2013. It used corrupted e-mail attachments & an existing botnet named Gameover ZeuS to spread & proliferate. Upon execution, the Cryptolocker virus encrypted certain types of files stored on local & mounted network drives by using public-key cryptography. The private key for decrypting the data was stored only on the malware’s control servers. Following ...