Search and Newtab by SocialNewPages

Search and Newtab by SocialNewPages is a malicious browser extension developed by Imali N.I Media LTD for Google Chrome and other popular web browsers. The myriad of browser hijackers released by this felonious company are distributed via different names & offer similar functionalities. Programs like SocialNewPages are no exception & like other hijacking applications it hijacks user’s browser & customizes new tab page with social content from sponsored groups.
Social new pages
The pernicious program lures users to install the dodgy application by claiming to provide one click search to find friends, stores, websites & companies in popular social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram etc. This widget also claims to help users to easily access social media accounts.

The UI of the domain appears pleasing & provides easy access to popular TV shows, Movies, Sports, Music, Health & Entertainment. However, it’s a mere trick to inveigle users to download the malicious application. The sole motive behind this browser add-on is to advertise affiliate products & services to generate unscrupulous revenue.

Social new pages

Social New Pages Template Description

The dubious search engine incorporates links that provides quick and easy access to all your social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Gmail etc. When user clicks on these links, they are directed to login pages that appear legitimate. However the login screens are overlaid that aim to steal sensitive information such s username & passwords.
Read More :- Click here


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