Q1G File Virus | Effective Virus Removal Guidelines

Understanding Q1G Ransomware

Dharma ransomware family has another feather in its cap! The arsenal of this malware is getting better day-by-day. The newbie variant – Q1G file virus is no exception in executing the mal activities in the targeted system. As always, this crypto virus targets all versions of Windows. 

Q1G file virus

The rapid raising in technology encouraged the developers to come up with new and more dangerous computer threats. .Q1G virus ransomware sneaks into your system and quickly infects all your stored files. The data once encrypted is locked with a unique extension. As a consequence, the hackers demand for large amount of ransom in order to decrypt .Q1G files. However, if you do not pay the ransom, you might lose your data permanently. Hence, victim users fall in the destructive trap and gets ready to pay the amount.
However, ransom payment is not the only way out of this disaster. It could be a trick to extort large amount of money from the users. In order to protect yourself from the financial and data loss, avoid paying the asked money. Instead, download Q1G decrypter tool and stop dharma ransomware variant from your system.
Scroll down to get the insights of the menace caused by Q1G file virus in your system.


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