Lilocked ransomware | Effective Removal Guidelines

Understanding Lilocked Ransomware

Thousands of servers have been hit by the latest threat of digital world! Developers call it Lilocked ransomware. The destructive lilu virus has targeted thousands of Linux servers around the World till date. It is in mid-July when the cyber experts first report the attack of Lilocked virus! However, in last two weeks, lilu ransomware has shown its true destruction. Additionally, this malicious crypto virus was first uncovered when a victim user uploaded its ransom note on ‘ID Ransomware’. It is basically an open platform for all to upload their ransomware notes and details about the ransomware attack. This practise is done to identify the name of ransomware. Also, numerous people discuss and present their ideas on how to remove the nasty computer threats.

Lilu Ransomware

Once the Lilocked file virus sneaks into your system, it aims at gaining its root access. Furthermore, the mechanism used to infiltrate the system is still a mystery! However, alike other ransomware, Lilocked ransomware also appends a unique extension – ‘.lilocked’ to encrypt data. Hence, it becomes next to impossible task to recover .Lilocked files manually.
Nevertheless, it is just begin of Lilocked destruction! Upon successful encryption, Lilocked virus generates a text file – ‘#README.txt’. It is a general file that describes about the ransomware attack. It states that the stored files have been encrypted by malicious lilu virus and you have to pay the demanded ransom to get Lilocked decrypter.
According to French security researches, Lilocked has infected about 6,700 servers. However, the number of targeted users is suspected to be much higher. This article will give you insights about the menace caused by Lilocked ransomware to Linux server.


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